The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- The United States Constitution, Amendment X

Friday, July 31, 2009


Karl Rove, in his piece Obama’s Great Health Scare (July 30, 2009 WSJ) points out that when you factor into the figure the portion of the uninsured who are either illegal aliens, eligible for Medicaid or the “invincibles” – those who can afford insurance but choose to spend elsewhere or save their money – the slice that remains is probably only around 2% of all American citizens. It is for them that we are talking about destroying the health system to which wealthy foreigners run when they have health problems. (To which country will we run when we need health care we can’t get under Obamacare?)

Now Obama is implying that 14,000 people are losing their health insurance every day. (See Morris’ article.) Where in the world does he get that number? I think he pulled it out of a hat. What percent of the population are 14,000? (.005%) Has this loss been occurring for the past year or the past week? Are they losing one form of insurance and then picking up another? If they lose their insurance, are they eligible for Medicaid? Is he referring to newly unemployed? If so, it’s temporary, right? Or is it?

If we keep going down the road of spend, spend, spend, tax, tax, tax, today’s unemployed/uninsured numbers will be trivial compared to the financial disaster of the future. The details of the proposed health care plan (which keep changing, so it’s difficult to keep your eye on the ball) are horrible. You’ve heard about some of the dreadful particulars – “end of life” counseling mandated every five years for anyone over 65 comes to mind – but the details pale in importance compared to what really should be feared and defeated: the overall foundation they are laying for the future uber-involvement of government. Michele Malkin calls it the scaffolding. Glenn Beck calls it the structure.

Defeating the health care bill put out by today’s Congress in any form needs to be among our top priorities. Don’t get side-tracked by the details. They don’t matter. The big picture remains the same: they want control over you and this is one tool they plan to use. They know the process is most easily accomplished if they creep up on us a little at a time, like a cat stalking its prey. They may appear to make concessions (thinking in their minds, “okay for now”) knowing that all they need is to get the camel’s nose under the tent. Don’t let it happen.

Dick Morris says the most effective way to voice your opposition is to hand write a letter to each of your representatives and senators. I know this seems like a hassle, but the letter need not be long, and having been on the inside, Dick knows what catches their eye. And remember perspective: writing a few quick letters now compared to being denied important medical treatment later . . . pretty easy math, don’t you think?

1 comment:

Brittanicus said...

These politicians voted Against the Nathan Deal Amendment, that would Prevent Health Care Benefits to Illegal Aliens. Simply put--it's not their BLOODY MONEY! So what! Do they care if taxpayers have to foot the behemoth bill, for anybody who snubs our laws and enters a sovereign country called America? The nationwide parasites are --CHEAP LABOR--businesses who could care less, because they pile up enormous profits. The corporate hierarchy have been having a field day--FOR DECADES. A foreign national gets hurt, their service manager or whoever the underling is, drives the maimed person and relinquishes any responsibility by dumping them on the emergency hospital entranceway. BINGO! nothing to pay!

Perhaps Americans should find some old shoddy clothes, no shave, no haircut and enter every emergency room in our country in the millions? Speak a lot of gibberish and carry no identification with a small splinter in their finger, a touch of a fever or any minor condition. By federal law the hospital will have an emergency on a--EMERGENCY. I am afraid Americans have been Lemmings going over a proverbial cliff, since who knows when? We just keep paying and paying even more to the IRS, to support--ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Try getting free health care in any other country, other than societies in the European Union? A FAT CHANCE! We are literary being taxed to death, to give welfare to the business overlords.

Even our Democrats who are trying to engineer health care for every American---INCLUDED 20 PLUS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND THEIR LARGE FAMILIES. Here are 29 Judas Iscariot's, who sold the American people out--for a lot more than 13 pieces of silver? HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EVERY YEAR. Capps (D-CA), Eshoo (D-CA), Harman (D-CA), Matsui (D-CA), McNerney (D-CA), Waxman (D-CA), DeGette (D-CO), Murphy (D-CT), Castor (D-FL), Rush (D-IL), Schakowsky (D-IL), Braley (D-IA), Sarbanes (D-MD), Markey (D-MA), Dingell (D-MI), Stupak (D-MI), Pallone (D-NJ), Weiner (D-NY), Butterfield (D-NC), Space (D-OH), Sutton (D-OH), Doyle (D-PA), Gordon (D-TN), Gonzalez (D-TX), Green (D-TX),Welch (D-VT), Christensen (D-VI), Inslee (D-WA) and Baldwin (D-WI). I'm afraid I would be banned if I used the right epithet, when leaving a comment for these so called lawmakers?

These are the betrayers of--ALL--taxpayers. These 29 traitors gave illegal immigrants the right to pilfer your billfold and purse, while they sit in their Washington office collecting their 6 figure salaries. REMEMBER THEM AND THROW THEM OUT! DEMAND NO AMNESTY! NO FAMILY UNIFICATION KNOWN AS CHAIN MIGRATION! BUILD THE ORIGINAL FENCE! NO MORE HEALTH CARE OR ANY OTHER KIND OF BENEFITS FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. CLOSE THE BORDER AND STATION THE NATIONAL GUARD. $2.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, JUST IN RETIREMENT BENEFITS? Learn uncorrupted facts at NUMBERSUSA.
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