American Voters are getting it right this year. With Scott MacIntyre getting voted off of American Idol last night, the American Voters are proving that this year, they’re serious about making sure the best talent wins, rather than voting simply with emotion. Scott was a nice guy. Scott was legally blind. Scott was an okay singer. But okay only gets a person so far, before the sympathy vote gets overtaken by respect for amazing talent. The American public did the right thing by causing Scott to be on his way home, sweet home, as Carrie Underwood likes to say – uh – sing.
So if American Voters can unite to make sure that this year there is no Sanjaya (not that Scott was that bad – he wasn’t), why can’t Americans unite to make sure government spending gets reined in this year? The American people need to unite with the same fervor, interest, enthusiasm and voting power as they do when then they dial 888-idol-whatever. We need to insist that Congress halt AND REVERSE the damage they’re doing to this country. What if one million people (a scant 1/3 of 1% of the US population) turned out to tea parties next Wednesday, April 15th? The leftist spin would not be able to ignore and downplay such an overwhelming force.
Just as Idol voters are seeing to it that the choice will ultimately come down to Adam Lambert and Kris Allen (my two faves), we need to see to it that the choice comes down to repealing the spending bills just passed and scrapping the current tax code. Shouldn’t the debate be between the Fair Tax and a flat tax, rather than the insurance company bail-out versus the banking bailout versus the auto maker bailout versus the bad mortgage-owner bailout?
Go to http://taxdayteaparty.com/rsvp/ and/or http://www.wesurroundthemmap.com/ to find a tea party near you. Let the tea party ignite something inside you that is just the beginning, and supremely more important than American Idol.
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Spokane Tea Party April 15th, 2009 4:30-6:00pm
@ the Spokane Convention Center Between the Convention Center & Opera House
@ the Spokane Convention Center Between the Convention Center & Opera House
A totally FREE event for the public!
Sponsored by the effwa.org
Sponsored by the effwa.org
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