The liberals and the liberal media have attempted to marginalize the tea parties as gatherings of selfish, unpatriotic whiners who don’t want to pay taxes. They know this is dishonest, but they have tossed scruples aside in order to fight to maintain their power and control.
I attended my local tea party. I was witness to the motivation and the cause, and it wasn’t simply about taxes. Tea party attendees were astute about the Constitution and the intentions of the Founding Fathers. The thrust of the protest was about an out-of-control, power-hungry and corrupt government which has strayed from the Constitution by such an extreme and drastic amount that our present government would hardly be recognizable by our Founding Fathers. People are livid because adherence to the Constitution has been neglected and reverence for it has been eroded.
In the book 5000 Year Leap, author W. Cleon Skousen states, “… to adopt socialism, respect and support for traditional constitutionalism had to be eroded and then emasculated.” Aha! This is why the liberals are fearful about (and therefore belittle) the tea parties. They recognize that the heartbeat of the protests is fueled by patriotism for the United States Constitution. They know that a groundswell of respect for and adherence to the Constitution undermines their socialist agenda, as well as their ability to maintain their control and power. Thomas Jefferson correctly noted that the mischief which arises by man’s lust for power can best be counteracted by “the chains of the Constitution.”
It is by design that our opponents are attacking our patriotism. They know such an accusation is a punch to the kidneys, as nothing could be dearer to us. Brush off such a distraction as you would a gnat perched on your shoulder. Focus on the real task at hand. We patriots must continue our defense of the Constitution. The United States Constitution is the best bastion against socialism and tyranny. District by district, we must continue to apply the heat. Our Founding Fathers regarded knowledge about and protection of the Constitution not as the citizens’ prerogative, but as our duty.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- The United States Constitution, Amendment X
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Virtuous and Vigilant
Abraham Lincoln said no single administration could seriously injure the government within a four-year term as long as the people to whom it was accountable remained virtuous and vigilant. Ah, but therein lies the rub. Are we today a virtuous and vigilant people?
What’s more important: March Madness basketball or the insane spending legislation being passed at a dizzying rate in DC? Do you pay more attention to who the participants of “The Biggest Loser” choose to keep on campus or who Obama chooses to have in his cabinet? Quick – give me the name of Obama’s Climate Czar! I’ll give you a clue: this Czarina’s past experience includes working on Socialist International’s Commission for a Sustainable World Society. You know the one . . . she’s in favor of “smart grid” energy technology, which sounds “smart” and must be good, right? But I digress. [Answer: Carol Browner … but you knew that.]
If we don’t get our act together and pay attention, those yahoos we keep voting back into power time and again, as well as those new yahoos we’ve voted into power for the first time because they were for “change”, without understanding what kind of change, are going to continue to laugh all the way to the bank. Although, in this case, “the bank” represents far more than just financial deception. It’s your choice – empower yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions or be led blindly.
As for the virtuous component of the formula, Glenn Beck’s got it right when he talks about the principles and values which our founding fathers espoused, as well as the American spirit and mentality which united us on 9/12. Adhering to these virtues will be an essential ingredient in keeping our nation strong and free during difficult times. Are you a “Twelver”?
What’s more important: March Madness basketball or the insane spending legislation being passed at a dizzying rate in DC? Do you pay more attention to who the participants of “The Biggest Loser” choose to keep on campus or who Obama chooses to have in his cabinet? Quick – give me the name of Obama’s Climate Czar! I’ll give you a clue: this Czarina’s past experience includes working on Socialist International’s Commission for a Sustainable World Society. You know the one . . . she’s in favor of “smart grid” energy technology, which sounds “smart” and must be good, right? But I digress. [Answer: Carol Browner … but you knew that.]
If we don’t get our act together and pay attention, those yahoos we keep voting back into power time and again, as well as those new yahoos we’ve voted into power for the first time because they were for “change”, without understanding what kind of change, are going to continue to laugh all the way to the bank. Although, in this case, “the bank” represents far more than just financial deception. It’s your choice – empower yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions or be led blindly.
As for the virtuous component of the formula, Glenn Beck’s got it right when he talks about the principles and values which our founding fathers espoused, as well as the American spirit and mentality which united us on 9/12. Adhering to these virtues will be an essential ingredient in keeping our nation strong and free during difficult times. Are you a “Twelver”?
Locate a Tax Party Near You
This is a great website for finding a tax party to attend this coming Wednesday, April 15th. Choose your state and go from there.
Bring a neighbor, friend or colleague with you. Democrat, Republican, Independent ... it doesn't matter. We can all unite on and for this common sense movement.
Bring a neighbor, friend or colleague with you. Democrat, Republican, Independent ... it doesn't matter. We can all unite on and for this common sense movement.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Whoa! Movement
Have you ever been with someone who shoots several questions at you in rapid-fire succession, to the point to where you can’t answer any of the questions at all? This verbal form of battering can be overwhelming, leaving you stunned and ineffective.
The assault Congress has waged on American taxpayers has also been rapid-fire. Who can keep track of it all? TARP, earmarks, the stimulus bill, the “normal” spending bill … Does anyone really know what the grand total is at this point? We have been stunned by the barrage, leaving us ineffective, which is just the way those in Washington want to keep things. As we trudge along trying to keep our livelihoods and our families in order, they are arrogantly defying the wishes of the silent majority. By the time we catch up with the news, we’re left shrugging our shoulders thinking we sure don’t like what’s going on, but that there’s nothing we can do to stop them.
However, I don’t think it’s too late. Just as a decline in the stock market does not result in real financial loss until we say “sell”, these spending measures are not exactly the same thing as money already spent. Yes, some of it has been spent, but not all of it. Why can’t we demand a halt AND reversal? We could call it the “Whoa! Movement”. (Well, maybe not, but you get the idea.) This is the essence of the Tea Parties being planned across the nation. Next Wednesday’s peaceful protests can be and should be the launch of something consequential and revolutionary.
The “progressives” want to downplay this movement as just the typical disgruntlement which festers each year around tax day but then fizzles as the springtime air puts us back in a good mood. By downplaying the protests they are denying that there has been a fundamental and substantial change. We know otherwise. While it’s true financial infringement has been long in the making, the recent leap has been profound. This is a path on which we cannot continue. Consider April 15th your opportunity to be a participant in history. This is our time to tear down the Berlin Wall, pull down the statue of Lenin, and toss the tea into the Boston Harbor.
Let “Thomas Paine” inspire you to act!
The assault Congress has waged on American taxpayers has also been rapid-fire. Who can keep track of it all? TARP, earmarks, the stimulus bill, the “normal” spending bill … Does anyone really know what the grand total is at this point? We have been stunned by the barrage, leaving us ineffective, which is just the way those in Washington want to keep things. As we trudge along trying to keep our livelihoods and our families in order, they are arrogantly defying the wishes of the silent majority. By the time we catch up with the news, we’re left shrugging our shoulders thinking we sure don’t like what’s going on, but that there’s nothing we can do to stop them.
However, I don’t think it’s too late. Just as a decline in the stock market does not result in real financial loss until we say “sell”, these spending measures are not exactly the same thing as money already spent. Yes, some of it has been spent, but not all of it. Why can’t we demand a halt AND reversal? We could call it the “Whoa! Movement”. (Well, maybe not, but you get the idea.) This is the essence of the Tea Parties being planned across the nation. Next Wednesday’s peaceful protests can be and should be the launch of something consequential and revolutionary.
The “progressives” want to downplay this movement as just the typical disgruntlement which festers each year around tax day but then fizzles as the springtime air puts us back in a good mood. By downplaying the protests they are denying that there has been a fundamental and substantial change. We know otherwise. While it’s true financial infringement has been long in the making, the recent leap has been profound. This is a path on which we cannot continue. Consider April 15th your opportunity to be a participant in history. This is our time to tear down the Berlin Wall, pull down the statue of Lenin, and toss the tea into the Boston Harbor.
Let “Thomas Paine” inspire you to act!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The American Tea Party Idol

American Voters are getting it right this year. With Scott MacIntyre getting voted off of American Idol last night, the American Voters are proving that this year, they’re serious about making sure the best talent wins, rather than voting simply with emotion. Scott was a nice guy. Scott was legally blind. Scott was an okay singer. But okay only gets a person so far, before the sympathy vote gets overtaken by respect for amazing talent. The American public did the right thing by causing Scott to be on his way home, sweet home, as Carrie Underwood likes to say – uh – sing.
So if American Voters can unite to make sure that this year there is no Sanjaya (not that Scott was that bad – he wasn’t), why can’t Americans unite to make sure government spending gets reined in this year? The American people need to unite with the same fervor, interest, enthusiasm and voting power as they do when then they dial 888-idol-whatever. We need to insist that Congress halt AND REVERSE the damage they’re doing to this country. What if one million people (a scant 1/3 of 1% of the US population) turned out to tea parties next Wednesday, April 15th? The leftist spin would not be able to ignore and downplay such an overwhelming force.
Just as Idol voters are seeing to it that the choice will ultimately come down to Adam Lambert and Kris Allen (my two faves), we need to see to it that the choice comes down to repealing the spending bills just passed and scrapping the current tax code. Shouldn’t the debate be between the Fair Tax and a flat tax, rather than the insurance company bail-out versus the banking bailout versus the auto maker bailout versus the bad mortgage-owner bailout?
Go to and/or to find a tea party near you. Let the tea party ignite something inside you that is just the beginning, and supremely more important than American Idol.
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Spokane Tea Party April 15th, 2009 4:30-6:00pm
@ the Spokane Convention Center Between the Convention Center & Opera House
@ the Spokane Convention Center Between the Convention Center & Opera House
A totally FREE event for the public!
Sponsored by the
Sponsored by the
Friday, April 3, 2009
Will We Keep Our Republic?

This video does a great job of explaining the different forms of governments. After viewing it, I hope you will be motivated to preserve what our founding fathers brilliantly bestowed.
Now is the time for us to defend the Constitution. The first step in doing so, is to understand it and know it. Click on this link to order a free pocket-sized copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
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