Arlen Specter knows his re-election is by no means guaranteed. Instead, he is outside of the comfort zone of invincibility incumbents typically find themselves in. Rather, Specter is on thin ice. First he knew it would be tough to get the nod from GOP voters in the primary, so he switched teams (again) to the Dems. But now he will face an opponent in that ring as well.
All of this vulnerability has forced Specter to be a bit more humble than many of his drastically arrogant colleagues. Thus, Specter continues with his town hall meetings, in spite of the spirited opposition with which he is met at these meetings. In the televised meeting Tuesday morning, he took the heat for an hour or more, and he at least pretended to be listening.
Conclusion: The system works: When politicians are challenged both internally (someone running against them for the position) and externally (by citizens' voices) we hold their feet to the fire and force them to realize they could get ousted. That's when they actually begin to pay attention to the people. It’s just a beginning, but it’s a step in the right direction. If we keep doing our part, we can effect change. We simply must do our part. When we step out of our comfort zone (pay attention, stand up, speak out, run for election) it will force them out of theirs and help them realize they work for us.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- The United States Constitution, Amendment X
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Karl Rove, in his piece Obama’s Great Health Scare (July 30, 2009 WSJ) points out that when you factor into the figure the portion of the uninsured who are either illegal aliens, eligible for Medicaid or the “invincibles” – those who can afford insurance but choose to spend elsewhere or save their money – the slice that remains is probably only around 2% of all American citizens. It is for them that we are talking about destroying the health system to which wealthy foreigners run when they have health problems. (To which country will we run when we need health care we can’t get under Obamacare?)
Now Obama is implying that 14,000 people are losing their health insurance every day. (See Morris’ article.) Where in the world does he get that number? I think he pulled it out of a hat. What percent of the population are 14,000? (.005%) Has this loss been occurring for the past year or the past week? Are they losing one form of insurance and then picking up another? If they lose their insurance, are they eligible for Medicaid? Is he referring to newly unemployed? If so, it’s temporary, right? Or is it?
If we keep going down the road of spend, spend, spend, tax, tax, tax, today’s unemployed/uninsured numbers will be trivial compared to the financial disaster of the future. The details of the proposed health care plan (which keep changing, so it’s difficult to keep your eye on the ball) are horrible. You’ve heard about some of the dreadful particulars – “end of life” counseling mandated every five years for anyone over 65 comes to mind – but the details pale in importance compared to what really should be feared and defeated: the overall foundation they are laying for the future uber-involvement of government. Michele Malkin calls it the scaffolding. Glenn Beck calls it the structure.
Defeating the health care bill put out by today’s Congress in any form needs to be among our top priorities. Don’t get side-tracked by the details. They don’t matter. The big picture remains the same: they want control over you and this is one tool they plan to use. They know the process is most easily accomplished if they creep up on us a little at a time, like a cat stalking its prey. They may appear to make concessions (thinking in their minds, “okay for now”) knowing that all they need is to get the camel’s nose under the tent. Don’t let it happen.
Dick Morris says the most effective way to voice your opposition is to hand write a letter to each of your representatives and senators. I know this seems like a hassle, but the letter need not be long, and having been on the inside, Dick knows what catches their eye. And remember perspective: writing a few quick letters now compared to being denied important medical treatment later . . . pretty easy math, don’t you think?
Now Obama is implying that 14,000 people are losing their health insurance every day. (See Morris’ article.) Where in the world does he get that number? I think he pulled it out of a hat. What percent of the population are 14,000? (.005%) Has this loss been occurring for the past year or the past week? Are they losing one form of insurance and then picking up another? If they lose their insurance, are they eligible for Medicaid? Is he referring to newly unemployed? If so, it’s temporary, right? Or is it?
If we keep going down the road of spend, spend, spend, tax, tax, tax, today’s unemployed/uninsured numbers will be trivial compared to the financial disaster of the future. The details of the proposed health care plan (which keep changing, so it’s difficult to keep your eye on the ball) are horrible. You’ve heard about some of the dreadful particulars – “end of life” counseling mandated every five years for anyone over 65 comes to mind – but the details pale in importance compared to what really should be feared and defeated: the overall foundation they are laying for the future uber-involvement of government. Michele Malkin calls it the scaffolding. Glenn Beck calls it the structure.
Defeating the health care bill put out by today’s Congress in any form needs to be among our top priorities. Don’t get side-tracked by the details. They don’t matter. The big picture remains the same: they want control over you and this is one tool they plan to use. They know the process is most easily accomplished if they creep up on us a little at a time, like a cat stalking its prey. They may appear to make concessions (thinking in their minds, “okay for now”) knowing that all they need is to get the camel’s nose under the tent. Don’t let it happen.
Dick Morris says the most effective way to voice your opposition is to hand write a letter to each of your representatives and senators. I know this seems like a hassle, but the letter need not be long, and having been on the inside, Dick knows what catches their eye. And remember perspective: writing a few quick letters now compared to being denied important medical treatment later . . . pretty easy math, don’t you think?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
State Mandates
One of the real problems of our current health care system is state mandates. When states require health insurance plans to cover ABC and XYZ, and does not allow insurance companies to offer scaled back plans, consumers are denied more affordable options. It seems ludicrous that a woman who has no intention of ever becoming pregnant is required to have a plan which covers neonatal care. Yet, the House health care reform bill does not do away with state mandates.
“Insofar as a State requires a health insurance issuer offering health insurance coverage to include benefits beyond the essential benefits package, such requirement shall continue to apply to an Exchange-participating health benefit plan . . .” (p. 87) There is a provision that the state would have to agree to pay a reimbursement which would go toward low-income individuals who would be eligible for “affordability premium credits”, but will that be enough of a deterrent to cause the states to reverse the crazy mandates?
If the state does not reverse the mandate, the consumer would lose doubly. Not only will he be forced to pay for mandated coverage he doesn’t need or want, he’ll have to pay yet another hidden tax in the form of state payments to the Commissioner to cover the “affordability premium credits”.
Additionally, the legislation itself mandates maternity care, mental health coverage and substance abuse care, items which some people would gladly elect to forego in return for lower premiums. But these consumers will suffer the burden of higher than necessary premiums as well as increased taxes caused by the funding of this program.
“Insofar as a State requires a health insurance issuer offering health insurance coverage to include benefits beyond the essential benefits package, such requirement shall continue to apply to an Exchange-participating health benefit plan . . .” (p. 87) There is a provision that the state would have to agree to pay a reimbursement which would go toward low-income individuals who would be eligible for “affordability premium credits”, but will that be enough of a deterrent to cause the states to reverse the crazy mandates?
If the state does not reverse the mandate, the consumer would lose doubly. Not only will he be forced to pay for mandated coverage he doesn’t need or want, he’ll have to pay yet another hidden tax in the form of state payments to the Commissioner to cover the “affordability premium credits”.
Additionally, the legislation itself mandates maternity care, mental health coverage and substance abuse care, items which some people would gladly elect to forego in return for lower premiums. But these consumers will suffer the burden of higher than necessary premiums as well as increased taxes caused by the funding of this program.
Pandering to the Labor Unions
The health care reform bill stablishes a “temporary reinsurance program” to provide reimbursement to assist participating employment-based plans with the cost of providing health benefits to retirees and to eligible spouses, surviving spouses, and dependents of such retirees (p. 65).
Amounts paid shall be used to lower the costs borne directly by the participants and beneficiaries for health benefits in the form of premiums, co-payments, deductibles, co-insurance or other out-of-pocket costs and shall not be used to reduce the costs of an employer maintaining the participating employment-based plan (p. 69).
This reinsurance program will be funded “out of moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated”, not to exceed $10 billion (p. 70). The Secretary of Health and Human Services has the authority to stop taking applications for participation in the program to ensure the expenditures do not exceed the funds available. This program would be established within the first 90 days of enactment.
Amounts paid shall be used to lower the costs borne directly by the participants and beneficiaries for health benefits in the form of premiums, co-payments, deductibles, co-insurance or other out-of-pocket costs and shall not be used to reduce the costs of an employer maintaining the participating employment-based plan (p. 69).
This reinsurance program will be funded “out of moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated”, not to exceed $10 billion (p. 70). The Secretary of Health and Human Services has the authority to stop taking applications for participation in the program to ensure the expenditures do not exceed the funds available. This program would be established within the first 90 days of enactment.
Power to the Commissioner
The health care reform bill currently undergoing markup and debate in the House establishes a Health Benefits Advisory Committee, which will recommend covered benefits. The bill also establishes a “Health Choices Administration”, headed by a Commissioner. The duties of the Commissioner would be to establish and run a Health Insurance Exchange, establish and enforce health benefits plan standards, and other various functions. (pp. 41-3)
The Health Insurance Exchange would serve as command central, in control of the health plans offered by private insurance companies which choose to participate, as well as the public tax-payer funded plan. In order to be accepted by the Commissioner into this Exchange, the insurance company must agree to offer only one basic plan, only one enhanced plan, and only one premium plan. (The company may offer more than one premium-plus plan). (pp. 84-5)
The Commissioner will have authority to conduct audits of the health plans to make sure they are compliant with the Federal requirements and recoup the costs of these audits from the health plans they choose to audit. (p. 43)
The Commissioner (and Secretary of Health and Human Services) will limit the profitability of the qualified health benefits plans by specifying what the “medical loss ratio” (MLR) will be for the plans. The MLR is the amount of revenue from premiums that is spent to pay for medical services. (Most successful HMOs have a MLR of 0.70-0.80.) The bill establishes that plans will have to provide rebates to enrollees if their MLR is too low, i.e., their profit is too high. (p. 24, 54) [Capping profit … isn’t that what socialists do?]
The Commissioner “shall specify the benefits to be made available under Exchange-participating health benefits plans during each plan year . . .” (p. 84)
The Commissioner would determine to what extent health plans not being offered through the Health Insurance Exchange would have to comply with the requirements imposed on those plans which are being offered through the Health Insurance Exchange. (p. 40, lines 8-11)
A health plan must meet the following requirements in order to be classified as a Qualified Health Benefits Plan (QHBP):
- May not impose any pre-existing condition exclusions or otherwise limit coverage with respect to health status-related factors (p. 19)
- Must guarantee availability and renewability of health insurance coverage to (essentially) everyone (p. 20, 55)
- May not vary premium rates charged or any reasons other than age, area, or family enrollment (p. 21)
- May not discriminate in benefits regarding mental health and substance abuse (p. 23)
- Must meet Commissioner established standards in regard to provider networks (p. 24)
- Must adhere to Commissioner set limits on profit (dictated by medical loss ratio limits and required rebates paid by the insurance companies if not in compliance with the limits) (p. 24)
- Must provide coverage which includes payment for hospitalization, outpatient care, ER services, professional services from physicians and other health professionals, health equipment and supplies used in the delivery of care, prescription drugs, rehabilitative services, mental health and substance abuse services, preventative services, maternity care, well baby and well child care (pp. 27-8)
- May not charge cost-sharing fees for preventative services (p. 28)
- May not charge cost-sharing fees [co-pays] above $5000 for an individual and $10,000 for a family (in the first year) (p. 29)
The Health Insurance Exchange would serve as command central, in control of the health plans offered by private insurance companies which choose to participate, as well as the public tax-payer funded plan. In order to be accepted by the Commissioner into this Exchange, the insurance company must agree to offer only one basic plan, only one enhanced plan, and only one premium plan. (The company may offer more than one premium-plus plan). (pp. 84-5)
The Commissioner will have authority to conduct audits of the health plans to make sure they are compliant with the Federal requirements and recoup the costs of these audits from the health plans they choose to audit. (p. 43)
The Commissioner (and Secretary of Health and Human Services) will limit the profitability of the qualified health benefits plans by specifying what the “medical loss ratio” (MLR) will be for the plans. The MLR is the amount of revenue from premiums that is spent to pay for medical services. (Most successful HMOs have a MLR of 0.70-0.80.) The bill establishes that plans will have to provide rebates to enrollees if their MLR is too low, i.e., their profit is too high. (p. 24, 54) [Capping profit … isn’t that what socialists do?]
The Commissioner “shall specify the benefits to be made available under Exchange-participating health benefits plans during each plan year . . .” (p. 84)
The Commissioner would determine to what extent health plans not being offered through the Health Insurance Exchange would have to comply with the requirements imposed on those plans which are being offered through the Health Insurance Exchange. (p. 40, lines 8-11)
A health plan must meet the following requirements in order to be classified as a Qualified Health Benefits Plan (QHBP):
- May not impose any pre-existing condition exclusions or otherwise limit coverage with respect to health status-related factors (p. 19)
- Must guarantee availability and renewability of health insurance coverage to (essentially) everyone (p. 20, 55)
- May not vary premium rates charged or any reasons other than age, area, or family enrollment (p. 21)
- May not discriminate in benefits regarding mental health and substance abuse (p. 23)
- Must meet Commissioner established standards in regard to provider networks (p. 24)
- Must adhere to Commissioner set limits on profit (dictated by medical loss ratio limits and required rebates paid by the insurance companies if not in compliance with the limits) (p. 24)
- Must provide coverage which includes payment for hospitalization, outpatient care, ER services, professional services from physicians and other health professionals, health equipment and supplies used in the delivery of care, prescription drugs, rehabilitative services, mental health and substance abuse services, preventative services, maternity care, well baby and well child care (pp. 27-8)
- May not charge cost-sharing fees for preventative services (p. 28)
- May not charge cost-sharing fees [co-pays] above $5000 for an individual and $10,000 for a family (in the first year) (p. 29)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sixty Seconds
This morning I called the Congressional Switchboard at 1-202-224-3121.
I said I was a resident of the state, that I vote, and that I request the Senator vote against the climate control bill when it comes up for vote in the Senate. I was told, "Thank you very much, I will pass that along."
I hung up, called the Congressional Switchboard, and did the same thing for my other Senator. The whole process took less than sixty seconds.
We can all find sixty seconds in our day to dial eleven digits and say 25 words. If all of us did this, they would feel the heat.
I said I was a resident of the state, that I vote, and that I request the Senator vote against the climate control bill when it comes up for vote in the Senate. I was told, "Thank you very much, I will pass that along."
I hung up, called the Congressional Switchboard, and did the same thing for my other Senator. The whole process took less than sixty seconds.
We can all find sixty seconds in our day to dial eleven digits and say 25 words. If all of us did this, they would feel the heat.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
An Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States
Button Gwinnett, William Hooper and Thomas Stone pledged their lives to each other, along with their fortunes and sacred honor, in support of the declaration they put into writing. In so doing, along with Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and fifty others, they ignited the powder keg which gave birth to the United States of America. These bold men knowingly put themselves at peril. The oath made in the Declaration of Independence was fervent; the events in that period of history were extreme.
How can we not be grateful to the patriots who fought for our liberty and to the authors of the Constitution who established our form of governance? They carried out their duties with care and wisdom not only out of dedication to a cause, but also out of a responsibility owed to their neighbors and friends who held them to a high standard. These men are praiseworthy, in part, because of the informed and educated public which held them accountable and demanded excellent leadership from them.
More than two centuries later, is the populace as diligent? Do we, the citizens, censure the activities of our elected officials so that they dare not stray beyond their legitimate power? We do not. When the legislative process is so complex, and the bills so lengthy and mind-numbing that even the representatives and senators know not the complete content of the bills on which they vote aye or nay, it is far easier for us to shrug our shoulders and say, “How can I make a difference anyway?”
Yet with all this apathy, there is much animosity. With each election cycle, the friction between Democrat and Republican seems to be increasingly heated. Here is why: The federal government has gained incredible amounts of additional power and control over our lives. Political power has become more concentrated into fewer individuals calling the shots. As state power is overtaken by federal power, bureaucrats are dictating and mandating from a further distance. Each of us is more removed from the process, yet greater numbers of us are affected by the decisions being made. Policy implemented at a national level resembles an all-or-nothing gamble. All of this causes us to place greater importance on who wins control over our lives. With so much at stake, emotions escalate, opinions diverge and sparks fly. Partisan strife will not dissipate as long as the muscle of the federal government continues to swell and intensify. Finally, we will reach a point of no return and we will ask, “How did this happen?” We will only have ourselves to blame. The answer will be that we did not remain vigilant.
Our Constitution makes clear that a bloated form of our federal government was not intended, and in fact was to be discouraged. This is why the Tenth Amendment, which protects state powers, was included in the Bill of Rights. It is like a slap in the face to those who bravely stood up against the tyranny of their day that we have permitted ourselves to be subjected to the bureaucratic nightmare of an overfed centralized authority.
Benjamin Franklin stated that the Constitution had granted us a republic, “if you can keep It”. Inherent in Franklin’s statement is the fact that our magnificent form of government, and the liberty it offers, can be lost. We cannot take for granted our freedom, our plush way of life, our happiness and prosperity. Our Founding Fathers recognized that a republic is the most moral and just form of government possible, but that it has its fragility. They put their trust in us to carry it forward by actively participating in guarding its structure.
When politicians tell us that their health care reform proposal will cover more people for less money, we must submit their claim to logic and determine if it makes common sense. When a single bill – The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 - is 1200 pages of federal government authority expansion, we need to stop what we’re doing and look up. When the President signs an 1100-page bill which authorizes the federal government to spend an additional $787 billion – The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – we need to focus on more than just mowing the lawn and grilling the bratwurst. When the federal government commits us to spending in the billions instead of millions, and then in the trillions instead of billions, we must ask, “How does that work?”
We are told that we need not worry, because it’s the “other guy” who will pay. Yet who else is hearing the same thing, except that for them, we’re the “other guy”? We all pay. You can’t keep whipping a horse and expect him to carry you forever. Eventually the horse will collapse, and both the horse and rider perish. We all pay in the form of hidden taxes. Each government regulation which adds to the cost of manufacturing or transportation increases the cost of the goods we buy. Each law which demands more of our employers leaves less for the employees. Judicial rulings which limit our personal property rights, limit our ability to sell or own.
As politicians grant additional power and control to the federal government, our liberties are slowly ground away under the guise of seemingly minor infringements. A thousand pages here, a thousand pages there. The incessant pecking and plucking of our independence is perpetrated upon us unabashedly. But don’t be fooled. It is oppression. Like a frog which begins its day in a pot of cool water, but ends up cooked, gradual increases in the application of heat are dangerous and warrant more than a dismissive shoulder shrug.
Ironically, our prosperity allows for our demise. We remain sedentary because we are so very comfortable. People riot in the streets when the state of things is grave and severe. Until then, it is human nature to stand idle or worse yet, to duck our heads into the sand. Therefore it takes conscious effort to thwart off catastrophes which have not yet occurred. Yet, doesn’t it make sense to repair a levee before it is breached? Must we find ourselves standing in bread lines before we will take action?
I want the United States to remain a beacon of hope. I’m proud of the achievements of our ancestors. I long for our country to survive and remain a standard of freedom and prosperity to which other nations aspire. Our republic is worth protecting. I urge you to live wide awake. I urge you to make time to pay attention. I urge you to seek the truth, educate yourself, refuse to be hoodwinked, say “whoa!” when something doesn’t make sense, ask questions, listen, pay heed, take notice, speak up, reach out, and stand up! Find a way.
Freedom. Free enterprise. Freedom of religion. Freedom of speech. Freedom to own private property. Freedom to buy. Freedom to manufacture. Freedom to invent and sell. Now you are free to choose: Do you trod along wearing blinders, or do you take the reins? Employ rational conviction, seek the truth, and demand common sense. It is the greatest tribute we can pay to those before us who made our freedoms possible.
How can we not be grateful to the patriots who fought for our liberty and to the authors of the Constitution who established our form of governance? They carried out their duties with care and wisdom not only out of dedication to a cause, but also out of a responsibility owed to their neighbors and friends who held them to a high standard. These men are praiseworthy, in part, because of the informed and educated public which held them accountable and demanded excellent leadership from them.
More than two centuries later, is the populace as diligent? Do we, the citizens, censure the activities of our elected officials so that they dare not stray beyond their legitimate power? We do not. When the legislative process is so complex, and the bills so lengthy and mind-numbing that even the representatives and senators know not the complete content of the bills on which they vote aye or nay, it is far easier for us to shrug our shoulders and say, “How can I make a difference anyway?”
Yet with all this apathy, there is much animosity. With each election cycle, the friction between Democrat and Republican seems to be increasingly heated. Here is why: The federal government has gained incredible amounts of additional power and control over our lives. Political power has become more concentrated into fewer individuals calling the shots. As state power is overtaken by federal power, bureaucrats are dictating and mandating from a further distance. Each of us is more removed from the process, yet greater numbers of us are affected by the decisions being made. Policy implemented at a national level resembles an all-or-nothing gamble. All of this causes us to place greater importance on who wins control over our lives. With so much at stake, emotions escalate, opinions diverge and sparks fly. Partisan strife will not dissipate as long as the muscle of the federal government continues to swell and intensify. Finally, we will reach a point of no return and we will ask, “How did this happen?” We will only have ourselves to blame. The answer will be that we did not remain vigilant.
Our Constitution makes clear that a bloated form of our federal government was not intended, and in fact was to be discouraged. This is why the Tenth Amendment, which protects state powers, was included in the Bill of Rights. It is like a slap in the face to those who bravely stood up against the tyranny of their day that we have permitted ourselves to be subjected to the bureaucratic nightmare of an overfed centralized authority.
Benjamin Franklin stated that the Constitution had granted us a republic, “if you can keep It”. Inherent in Franklin’s statement is the fact that our magnificent form of government, and the liberty it offers, can be lost. We cannot take for granted our freedom, our plush way of life, our happiness and prosperity. Our Founding Fathers recognized that a republic is the most moral and just form of government possible, but that it has its fragility. They put their trust in us to carry it forward by actively participating in guarding its structure.
When politicians tell us that their health care reform proposal will cover more people for less money, we must submit their claim to logic and determine if it makes common sense. When a single bill – The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 - is 1200 pages of federal government authority expansion, we need to stop what we’re doing and look up. When the President signs an 1100-page bill which authorizes the federal government to spend an additional $787 billion – The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – we need to focus on more than just mowing the lawn and grilling the bratwurst. When the federal government commits us to spending in the billions instead of millions, and then in the trillions instead of billions, we must ask, “How does that work?”
We are told that we need not worry, because it’s the “other guy” who will pay. Yet who else is hearing the same thing, except that for them, we’re the “other guy”? We all pay. You can’t keep whipping a horse and expect him to carry you forever. Eventually the horse will collapse, and both the horse and rider perish. We all pay in the form of hidden taxes. Each government regulation which adds to the cost of manufacturing or transportation increases the cost of the goods we buy. Each law which demands more of our employers leaves less for the employees. Judicial rulings which limit our personal property rights, limit our ability to sell or own.
As politicians grant additional power and control to the federal government, our liberties are slowly ground away under the guise of seemingly minor infringements. A thousand pages here, a thousand pages there. The incessant pecking and plucking of our independence is perpetrated upon us unabashedly. But don’t be fooled. It is oppression. Like a frog which begins its day in a pot of cool water, but ends up cooked, gradual increases in the application of heat are dangerous and warrant more than a dismissive shoulder shrug.
Ironically, our prosperity allows for our demise. We remain sedentary because we are so very comfortable. People riot in the streets when the state of things is grave and severe. Until then, it is human nature to stand idle or worse yet, to duck our heads into the sand. Therefore it takes conscious effort to thwart off catastrophes which have not yet occurred. Yet, doesn’t it make sense to repair a levee before it is breached? Must we find ourselves standing in bread lines before we will take action?
I want the United States to remain a beacon of hope. I’m proud of the achievements of our ancestors. I long for our country to survive and remain a standard of freedom and prosperity to which other nations aspire. Our republic is worth protecting. I urge you to live wide awake. I urge you to make time to pay attention. I urge you to seek the truth, educate yourself, refuse to be hoodwinked, say “whoa!” when something doesn’t make sense, ask questions, listen, pay heed, take notice, speak up, reach out, and stand up! Find a way.
Freedom. Free enterprise. Freedom of religion. Freedom of speech. Freedom to own private property. Freedom to buy. Freedom to manufacture. Freedom to invent and sell. Now you are free to choose: Do you trod along wearing blinders, or do you take the reins? Employ rational conviction, seek the truth, and demand common sense. It is the greatest tribute we can pay to those before us who made our freedoms possible.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
In Defense of the Constitution
The liberals and the liberal media have attempted to marginalize the tea parties as gatherings of selfish, unpatriotic whiners who don’t want to pay taxes. They know this is dishonest, but they have tossed scruples aside in order to fight to maintain their power and control.
I attended my local tea party. I was witness to the motivation and the cause, and it wasn’t simply about taxes. Tea party attendees were astute about the Constitution and the intentions of the Founding Fathers. The thrust of the protest was about an out-of-control, power-hungry and corrupt government which has strayed from the Constitution by such an extreme and drastic amount that our present government would hardly be recognizable by our Founding Fathers. People are livid because adherence to the Constitution has been neglected and reverence for it has been eroded.
In the book 5000 Year Leap, author W. Cleon Skousen states, “… to adopt socialism, respect and support for traditional constitutionalism had to be eroded and then emasculated.” Aha! This is why the liberals are fearful about (and therefore belittle) the tea parties. They recognize that the heartbeat of the protests is fueled by patriotism for the United States Constitution. They know that a groundswell of respect for and adherence to the Constitution undermines their socialist agenda, as well as their ability to maintain their control and power. Thomas Jefferson correctly noted that the mischief which arises by man’s lust for power can best be counteracted by “the chains of the Constitution.”
It is by design that our opponents are attacking our patriotism. They know such an accusation is a punch to the kidneys, as nothing could be dearer to us. Brush off such a distraction as you would a gnat perched on your shoulder. Focus on the real task at hand. We patriots must continue our defense of the Constitution. The United States Constitution is the best bastion against socialism and tyranny. District by district, we must continue to apply the heat. Our Founding Fathers regarded knowledge about and protection of the Constitution not as the citizens’ prerogative, but as our duty.
I attended my local tea party. I was witness to the motivation and the cause, and it wasn’t simply about taxes. Tea party attendees were astute about the Constitution and the intentions of the Founding Fathers. The thrust of the protest was about an out-of-control, power-hungry and corrupt government which has strayed from the Constitution by such an extreme and drastic amount that our present government would hardly be recognizable by our Founding Fathers. People are livid because adherence to the Constitution has been neglected and reverence for it has been eroded.
In the book 5000 Year Leap, author W. Cleon Skousen states, “… to adopt socialism, respect and support for traditional constitutionalism had to be eroded and then emasculated.” Aha! This is why the liberals are fearful about (and therefore belittle) the tea parties. They recognize that the heartbeat of the protests is fueled by patriotism for the United States Constitution. They know that a groundswell of respect for and adherence to the Constitution undermines their socialist agenda, as well as their ability to maintain their control and power. Thomas Jefferson correctly noted that the mischief which arises by man’s lust for power can best be counteracted by “the chains of the Constitution.”
It is by design that our opponents are attacking our patriotism. They know such an accusation is a punch to the kidneys, as nothing could be dearer to us. Brush off such a distraction as you would a gnat perched on your shoulder. Focus on the real task at hand. We patriots must continue our defense of the Constitution. The United States Constitution is the best bastion against socialism and tyranny. District by district, we must continue to apply the heat. Our Founding Fathers regarded knowledge about and protection of the Constitution not as the citizens’ prerogative, but as our duty.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Virtuous and Vigilant
Abraham Lincoln said no single administration could seriously injure the government within a four-year term as long as the people to whom it was accountable remained virtuous and vigilant. Ah, but therein lies the rub. Are we today a virtuous and vigilant people?
What’s more important: March Madness basketball or the insane spending legislation being passed at a dizzying rate in DC? Do you pay more attention to who the participants of “The Biggest Loser” choose to keep on campus or who Obama chooses to have in his cabinet? Quick – give me the name of Obama’s Climate Czar! I’ll give you a clue: this Czarina’s past experience includes working on Socialist International’s Commission for a Sustainable World Society. You know the one . . . she’s in favor of “smart grid” energy technology, which sounds “smart” and must be good, right? But I digress. [Answer: Carol Browner … but you knew that.]
If we don’t get our act together and pay attention, those yahoos we keep voting back into power time and again, as well as those new yahoos we’ve voted into power for the first time because they were for “change”, without understanding what kind of change, are going to continue to laugh all the way to the bank. Although, in this case, “the bank” represents far more than just financial deception. It’s your choice – empower yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions or be led blindly.
As for the virtuous component of the formula, Glenn Beck’s got it right when he talks about the principles and values which our founding fathers espoused, as well as the American spirit and mentality which united us on 9/12. Adhering to these virtues will be an essential ingredient in keeping our nation strong and free during difficult times. Are you a “Twelver”?
What’s more important: March Madness basketball or the insane spending legislation being passed at a dizzying rate in DC? Do you pay more attention to who the participants of “The Biggest Loser” choose to keep on campus or who Obama chooses to have in his cabinet? Quick – give me the name of Obama’s Climate Czar! I’ll give you a clue: this Czarina’s past experience includes working on Socialist International’s Commission for a Sustainable World Society. You know the one . . . she’s in favor of “smart grid” energy technology, which sounds “smart” and must be good, right? But I digress. [Answer: Carol Browner … but you knew that.]
If we don’t get our act together and pay attention, those yahoos we keep voting back into power time and again, as well as those new yahoos we’ve voted into power for the first time because they were for “change”, without understanding what kind of change, are going to continue to laugh all the way to the bank. Although, in this case, “the bank” represents far more than just financial deception. It’s your choice – empower yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions or be led blindly.
As for the virtuous component of the formula, Glenn Beck’s got it right when he talks about the principles and values which our founding fathers espoused, as well as the American spirit and mentality which united us on 9/12. Adhering to these virtues will be an essential ingredient in keeping our nation strong and free during difficult times. Are you a “Twelver”?
Locate a Tax Party Near You
This is a great website for finding a tax party to attend this coming Wednesday, April 15th. Choose your state and go from there.
Bring a neighbor, friend or colleague with you. Democrat, Republican, Independent ... it doesn't matter. We can all unite on and for this common sense movement.
Bring a neighbor, friend or colleague with you. Democrat, Republican, Independent ... it doesn't matter. We can all unite on and for this common sense movement.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Whoa! Movement
Have you ever been with someone who shoots several questions at you in rapid-fire succession, to the point to where you can’t answer any of the questions at all? This verbal form of battering can be overwhelming, leaving you stunned and ineffective.
The assault Congress has waged on American taxpayers has also been rapid-fire. Who can keep track of it all? TARP, earmarks, the stimulus bill, the “normal” spending bill … Does anyone really know what the grand total is at this point? We have been stunned by the barrage, leaving us ineffective, which is just the way those in Washington want to keep things. As we trudge along trying to keep our livelihoods and our families in order, they are arrogantly defying the wishes of the silent majority. By the time we catch up with the news, we’re left shrugging our shoulders thinking we sure don’t like what’s going on, but that there’s nothing we can do to stop them.
However, I don’t think it’s too late. Just as a decline in the stock market does not result in real financial loss until we say “sell”, these spending measures are not exactly the same thing as money already spent. Yes, some of it has been spent, but not all of it. Why can’t we demand a halt AND reversal? We could call it the “Whoa! Movement”. (Well, maybe not, but you get the idea.) This is the essence of the Tea Parties being planned across the nation. Next Wednesday’s peaceful protests can be and should be the launch of something consequential and revolutionary.
The “progressives” want to downplay this movement as just the typical disgruntlement which festers each year around tax day but then fizzles as the springtime air puts us back in a good mood. By downplaying the protests they are denying that there has been a fundamental and substantial change. We know otherwise. While it’s true financial infringement has been long in the making, the recent leap has been profound. This is a path on which we cannot continue. Consider April 15th your opportunity to be a participant in history. This is our time to tear down the Berlin Wall, pull down the statue of Lenin, and toss the tea into the Boston Harbor.
Let “Thomas Paine” inspire you to act!
The assault Congress has waged on American taxpayers has also been rapid-fire. Who can keep track of it all? TARP, earmarks, the stimulus bill, the “normal” spending bill … Does anyone really know what the grand total is at this point? We have been stunned by the barrage, leaving us ineffective, which is just the way those in Washington want to keep things. As we trudge along trying to keep our livelihoods and our families in order, they are arrogantly defying the wishes of the silent majority. By the time we catch up with the news, we’re left shrugging our shoulders thinking we sure don’t like what’s going on, but that there’s nothing we can do to stop them.
However, I don’t think it’s too late. Just as a decline in the stock market does not result in real financial loss until we say “sell”, these spending measures are not exactly the same thing as money already spent. Yes, some of it has been spent, but not all of it. Why can’t we demand a halt AND reversal? We could call it the “Whoa! Movement”. (Well, maybe not, but you get the idea.) This is the essence of the Tea Parties being planned across the nation. Next Wednesday’s peaceful protests can be and should be the launch of something consequential and revolutionary.
The “progressives” want to downplay this movement as just the typical disgruntlement which festers each year around tax day but then fizzles as the springtime air puts us back in a good mood. By downplaying the protests they are denying that there has been a fundamental and substantial change. We know otherwise. While it’s true financial infringement has been long in the making, the recent leap has been profound. This is a path on which we cannot continue. Consider April 15th your opportunity to be a participant in history. This is our time to tear down the Berlin Wall, pull down the statue of Lenin, and toss the tea into the Boston Harbor.
Let “Thomas Paine” inspire you to act!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The American Tea Party Idol
American Voters are getting it right this year. With Scott MacIntyre getting voted off of American Idol last night, the American Voters are proving that this year, they’re serious about making sure the best talent wins, rather than voting simply with emotion. Scott was a nice guy. Scott was legally blind. Scott was an okay singer. But okay only gets a person so far, before the sympathy vote gets overtaken by respect for amazing talent. The American public did the right thing by causing Scott to be on his way home, sweet home, as Carrie Underwood likes to say – uh – sing.
So if American Voters can unite to make sure that this year there is no Sanjaya (not that Scott was that bad – he wasn’t), why can’t Americans unite to make sure government spending gets reined in this year? The American people need to unite with the same fervor, interest, enthusiasm and voting power as they do when then they dial 888-idol-whatever. We need to insist that Congress halt AND REVERSE the damage they’re doing to this country. What if one million people (a scant 1/3 of 1% of the US population) turned out to tea parties next Wednesday, April 15th? The leftist spin would not be able to ignore and downplay such an overwhelming force.
Just as Idol voters are seeing to it that the choice will ultimately come down to Adam Lambert and Kris Allen (my two faves), we need to see to it that the choice comes down to repealing the spending bills just passed and scrapping the current tax code. Shouldn’t the debate be between the Fair Tax and a flat tax, rather than the insurance company bail-out versus the banking bailout versus the auto maker bailout versus the bad mortgage-owner bailout?
Go to and/or to find a tea party near you. Let the tea party ignite something inside you that is just the beginning, and supremely more important than American Idol.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Spokane Tea Party April 15th, 2009 4:30-6:00pm
@ the Spokane Convention Center Between the Convention Center & Opera House
@ the Spokane Convention Center Between the Convention Center & Opera House
A totally FREE event for the public!
Sponsored by the
Sponsored by the
Friday, April 3, 2009
Will We Keep Our Republic?
This video does a great job of explaining the different forms of governments. After viewing it, I hope you will be motivated to preserve what our founding fathers brilliantly bestowed.
Now is the time for us to defend the Constitution. The first step in doing so, is to understand it and know it. Click on this link to order a free pocket-sized copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Point Well Made
I heard Glenn do this on the radio and I thought, "Everyone needs to hear this." The next best thing is to read the transcript. If you have attention deficit disorder and you don't want to read the whole thing, scroll down to the last paragraph. It will make your hair stand on end. Here's the link:
Glenn's now on Fox News 5 p.m. EST. Be sure to set your DVR ... he's saying things no one else is. Plus, he's just plain funny. Here's an example of his humor:
Glenn's now on Fox News 5 p.m. EST. Be sure to set your DVR ... he's saying things no one else is. Plus, he's just plain funny. Here's an example of his humor:
Is Your Head Spinning?
My company has recently made some big changes. Many people were “let go”, and for those of us who remain, there has been a substantial reorganization. Adjusting to these changes has left me with little time to blog.
What has been even more overwhelming, however, is the hefty overhaul of our nation. This crime being committed (primarily) by the Democrats in charge is making my head spin. Just as a deer facing an oncoming car knows not which way to run, I have been paralyzed by the multitude of outrages about which I could write.
Therefore, I’m lobbying for your collaboration. Consider this blog as a holding tank for your outrages. Add your comment to this posting about what makes you so hot you could fry ice regarding the damage this administration and congress are causing. I’ll get us started:
- doubling the deficit with a spending spree which rewards failure and penalizes success
- removing the requirement of legal citizenship for SCHIP recipients
- Cap and Trade as a means to coerce people to be more “green”
I have to interrupt myself here with a comment on this one: The Dems supposedly are for the poor, the down-trodden, the little guy. Yet, they have no qualms about this plan of social engineering which will hurt the poor the most – increasing the cost of necessities. Seriously – how many families can choose to forgo heating their home? Increase in energy costs will result in an increase in the cost of food. How many families can choose to forgo feeding their children? This is such an outrage, and they’re so bold and brazen about it! Obama admits this scheme will increase costs, and makes his statements with no shame. How are people so blind!? Anyway, enough with the digression; back to the list:
- sending asinine secret letters to Russia exemplifying our weak and capitulating foreign-affairs stance (what an embarrassment – Russia is LAUGHING at us)
- the Fairness Doctrine
- Card Check
I could go on and on, but alas, I have to go to work. I need to make a few bucks while I still can. But it felt good to vent for a moment or two. If you’d like to vent too, click on “comments” and drop a quick line.
What has been even more overwhelming, however, is the hefty overhaul of our nation. This crime being committed (primarily) by the Democrats in charge is making my head spin. Just as a deer facing an oncoming car knows not which way to run, I have been paralyzed by the multitude of outrages about which I could write.
Therefore, I’m lobbying for your collaboration. Consider this blog as a holding tank for your outrages. Add your comment to this posting about what makes you so hot you could fry ice regarding the damage this administration and congress are causing. I’ll get us started:
- doubling the deficit with a spending spree which rewards failure and penalizes success
- removing the requirement of legal citizenship for SCHIP recipients
- Cap and Trade as a means to coerce people to be more “green”
I have to interrupt myself here with a comment on this one: The Dems supposedly are for the poor, the down-trodden, the little guy. Yet, they have no qualms about this plan of social engineering which will hurt the poor the most – increasing the cost of necessities. Seriously – how many families can choose to forgo heating their home? Increase in energy costs will result in an increase in the cost of food. How many families can choose to forgo feeding their children? This is such an outrage, and they’re so bold and brazen about it! Obama admits this scheme will increase costs, and makes his statements with no shame. How are people so blind!? Anyway, enough with the digression; back to the list:
- sending asinine secret letters to Russia exemplifying our weak and capitulating foreign-affairs stance (what an embarrassment – Russia is LAUGHING at us)
- the Fairness Doctrine
- Card Check
I could go on and on, but alas, I have to go to work. I need to make a few bucks while I still can. But it felt good to vent for a moment or two. If you’d like to vent too, click on “comments” and drop a quick line.
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